Oral Cancer: Know the Signs

Oral cancer is what’s referred to as a “silent killer”. Unfortunately, most people never know the warning signs or symptoms until it’s advanced and life-threatening. The best treatment for oral cancer is early intervention. That’s why we perform oral/dental cancer screenings as part of every routine exam.

Oral Cancer Testing Near Me

Greensboro family dentist Dr. Adornetto provides oral cancer exams for all ages. If it’s been six months or more since your last checkup, contact our office to schedule. Early identification of precancerous tissue is the most important step in your health.

Are Oral Cancer Screenings Important?

Early oral cancer screening at the dentist could save your life. Risk factors like sun exposure, viruses (such as HPV), tobacco and alcohol use can all increase your chances of developing precancerous or pathological cells inside your mouth. 

Some of the warning signs to look for include:

  • Sores that don’t heal
  • White or red patches
  • Tissues that look different from the ones around them
  • Loss of definition in your lip borders
  • Lumps, bumps, or nodules
  • Difficulty swallowing

It’s important that you schedule an oral cancer screening examination as soon as you notice any symptoms. Treated sooner, cancer therapy is less invasive and more effective. But left undiagnosed, oral cancer could cost you your life. 

An oral cancer screening in the dental office is relatively straightforward. Dr. Adornetto will thoroughly evaluate your oral tissues and palpate lymph nodes to identify any potential concerns. If precancerous tissues are identified, we can arrange to have a biopsy ordered.

If you suspect that you have oral cancer, the best professional to see is your family dentist.